Smart Manufacturing

Subtractive and Additive Manufacturing

Process Optimization

  • Closing the Manufacturing Loop
  • Analyzing current manufacturing processes to identify possible technology improvements.
  • Help with modern manufacturing technology and equipment selections.
  • Implementation of Industry 4.0 concepts and smart manufacturing.
  • Best practices across industries.

Yield Improvement Strategies

  • Assessment of print failure rates and root cause analysis.
  • Techniques to maximize successful print runs and reduce material wastage.
  • Process flow to ensure the highest yield.

Quality Assurance & Control

  • Implementation of quality control measures tailored for additive manufacturing.
  • Helping define proper quality checkpoints along the AM process chain.
  • Setting up and refining quality control measures to ensure product consistency and adherence to standards.

Technology Integration

  • Assessing the suitability of new manufacturing technologies such as robotics, IoT, and AI.
  • Guiding businesses in integrating these technologies for enhanced productivity.

Equipment Evaluation & Selection

  • Assisting in selecting the right machinery and tools for specific manufacturing needs.
Smart manufacturing, Competitive positioning